
twenty twenty twenty twenty :)

Happiest of birthdays to my best friend. :) He is twenty today! 

Twenty things that have changed since Cody has been gone

1. My hair is longer by about three inches. I rarely do anything with it anymore either
2. His hair is shorter. Apparently the shortest it's ever been
3. I quit my second job :)
4. He speaks Spanish now
5. I've been accepted to the Dental Hygiene program at TSTC
6. He has become a lousy speller without me. His "ei" and "ie" is worse than ever
7. My dashboard is dusty
8. He is really suntanned.. already.
9. Babb, MT is my #1 destination of travel. I am so grateful for that little po-dunk town. Saves me money and time.
10. I don't spend as much money on food and gas. My money is now spent on random things like stamps and toys and cool pens and envelopes.
11. I rarely use my cell phone. Sometimes I just leave it at home even.
12. His facebook page is boring to stalk now.
13. My handwriting has gotten worse rather than better. It's embarrassing.
14. I don't look for new music as much.
15. I haven't watched a MLB game yet, and I don't even know what the heck is going on in the NHL right now.
16. My feelings for him. I love him more and more every day. 
17. I spent way more time with my parents
18. I never use my camera
19. Both of us. We have both changed... just like we thought. It is obvious we are two different people than we were sixty seven days ago. But who's counting. :) 
20. I am not as quiet with how I feel about him. I'll tell the whole world if they want to know. Think what you want. :)

10 things that haven't changed since Cody has been gone

1. His sense of humour. He still says the silliest things that just crack me up
2. He still is my best friend. I haven't found a replacement yet. I'm not looking exactly, but I'm not.. not looking either, if that makes sense
3. I still talk to Carson. H was pretty sure we would lose touch after Cody left because he thought I'd be too cool for him. I believed it to be the other way around, but Cars and I are as tight as ever. I love that guy
4. His handwriting hasn't changed. It is still freakishly perfect
5. I don't miss him any more or any less than I did when he first left
6. I still shop too much
7. My room is still a mess. I've cleaned it a lot, but it still gets messy. :( 
8. My favorite playlist on my iPod. Jane and Cody. It is the best one on there by far.
9. I still hate exercising... but I do it anyway so I guess that has changed?
10. I am still nineteen and am still not ready to get married

5 things I miss about Cody
1. His freckles. Especially the one right under his right eye
2. How he would always drive, even if we were in my car. I just don't like driving very much
3. Having someone to talk to about every little thing and have them genuinely care about each and every happening of my day. I think my mom is going to go crazy pretty soon. I talk her ear off on a regular basis now.
4. His sarcastic laugh. haha I just did it. It made me laugh.
5. Hugs.

1 thing I have learned
1. I really took advantage of the time I had with him. I have learned not to take time for granted.

¡Feliz cumpleaños! ¡Te quiero! :)

Vegas Nov 2010


  1. I seriously love this :) like a lot :)

  2. this is so perfectly reflective and introspective and happy but a little sad

  3. you guys are in love. so cute.

  4. Comments? OKAY!
    I make my boyfriend drive my car ALL the time!! :)

    I swear, missionaries' handwriting just gets worse the longer they're out! My best friend has been gone for.... 13 months [my, time flies..] and it takes me at LEAST 40 minutes to decipher what he's trying to say.

    I love this post. A lot.

  5. Aw, all I can say is..y'all are so cute :)

  6. Jane, I don't think I've ever seen a picture of you where you're glowing as much as you are in this one...

    I'm glad to see you've been well.


    - xo, Josabet.

  7. Dear Jane,
    I love how much you love our boys but ESP that you love Cody. He is a incredible person. So glad you know that. I miss him alot too. As usual, I had a happy cry reading your blog. Not only is it intellectually sophisticated but beautifully honest. Much love, Audra


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