
Blogging is the newest way to pass notes.

This is a combination of things I am too scared to say, things I shouldn't say, and things I want to say but haven't yet. I am writing them on here instead.  

Dear You:
Could you please stop being so competitive with me all the time? It's really getting frustrating and I really can see right through you, just so ya know..
Can't you just be happy for me instead of trying to beat me?
I'm not sure what you want me to do. I don't exactly have control over any of this.

Dear You:
Really? Why do you insist on holding onto all of the boys from your past? Can't you just be happy with your current love affair and let go of all the rest? Do they ALL know just how close of tabs you still keep on ALL of them?

Dear You:
Please. For the love. Stop squealing. It pierces my ear drums.

Dear You:
I promise.. :)

Dear You:
I'm really glad I finally realized just how awful you were to me. I know this is most definitely a thing of the past, but I'd like to write this anyway. I don't know why I put up with you for so long, but NO ONE tells me that I don't fit in their "weight" category. Jerk. You got exactly what you deserved. Which is nothing.

Dear You:
Thanks for being such a good chatter and listening to me rant for .1 minute which is translated to three hours. You are a great cyber friend :)

Dear You:
I don't have anything against you at all. Why do you insist on thinking that there is conflict between us? Where the heck did you get that idea?

Dear You:
She doesn't like you I'm afraid.. Please stop falling for girls who like to lead you on. 

Dear You:
Try hitting on me one more time and I'll unfriend you. 

Dear You:
I would really appreciate it if you would stop assuming you have me all figured out. Just to get the record straight, we have never talked, never hung out, and never known each other. I am not sure why this gives you the right to judge me or some of the things I've done

Dear You and You:
I like our post midnight chats. We should do that more often.

Love, Me.

Slow down.
Don't be offended or flattered by these please. There is less than a one in six billion chance that any of these are about you.

OKAY. I feel better. Sorry if some of those were rude! I'm not normally like this.. next post will be a happy one. Promise.


  1. oh my gosh. this is so weird. I JUST wrote a letter on my blog. like 3 minutes ago. sometimes we think eerily alike.

  2. and btw it's such a great way to get rid of steam i think! i always have so much going on in my head and i just want to get it out. OUT OUT OUT. but then.. i can't say it to them. it's part of my non-confrontational ways.

  3. Jane I wish my blog could be creative like yours lol but instead well it's nothing special haha. Can't wait to come home and play!

  4. This is bold. I wish some of my IRL friends didn't read my blog. If they didn't, I would tooootally do this.

  5. hahah.. yes.. I was worried about doing this. I think I will just deny deny deny if anyone asks me if it is about them. It really was more for me. It is how I let go of things I need to let go of. Some things just really shouldn't matter and I have to get it out of my system somehow! hhaha

  6. hahaha
    "Or I'll unfriend you!" that made me giggle :) This is bold and I like it! Blogging is the best to express things

    Come read about my Lovely Little Rants ♥


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